EPS Prize Lectures

EPS Prize Lectures 1994 onwards:

Is human learning rational?
David Shanks, University College London
University of Exeter, July 1994

Cross modal interactions in attention.
Jon Driver, University of Cambridge
University of Birmingham, July 1995

Co-ordinating actions.
Patrick Haggard, University College London
University College London, January 1996

The rational analysis of cognition.
Nick Chater, University of Warwick
University of Oxford, March 1997

The time course of perceptual categorization.
Koen Lamberts, University of Birmingham
University of York, July 1998

Associative priming in Pavlovian conditioning.
Rob Honey, Cardiff University
University of Oxford, March 1999

Deficit and difference in autistic cognition.
Francesca Happé, University of London
National Hospital, London, January 2000

Large-scale space and episodic memory.
Neil Burgess, University College London
University College London, January 2001

The role of the prefrontal cortex in actions and habits.
Simon Killcross, Cardiff University
University of Leuven, Belgium, April 2002

Crossmodal attention and multisensory integration.
Charles Spence, Oxford University
University College London, January 2003

What can functional imaging tell the experimental psychologist?
Richard Henson, University College London
University College London, January 2004

A framework for facial expression recognition: Better late than never.
Andy Calder, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
University College London, January 2005

Making connections between learning to read and reading to learn.
Kate Nation, University of Oxford
University College London, January 2007

Decoding consciousness.
Geraint Rees, University College London
University of Edinburgh, July 2007

Decision by sampling.
Neil Stewart, University of Warwick
University College London, January 2008

Fractionating the musical mind: Insights from congenital amusia.
Lauren Stewart, Goldsmith’s University of London
Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, July 2009

What is “Theory of mind”?
Ian Apperly, University of Birmingham
University of Manchester, July 2010

Licking and liking: The assessment of hedonic responses in rodents.
Dominic Dwyer, Cardiff University
University of Nottingham, July 2011

Memory and the brain: Convergence and divergence between neuroimaging and neuropsychology.
Jon Simons, University of Cambridge
University College London, January 2012

Social interaction – the brain and cognitive systems for getting along with each other.
Antonia Hamilton, University of Nottingham
Bangor University, July 2013

Distorted body representations in healthy adults.
Matt Longo, Birkbeck College, University of London
Newcastle University, July 2014

The multisensory basis of the self: From body to identity to others.
Manos Tsakiris, Royal Holloway University of London
University of Lincoln, July 2015

Beyond the attentional homunculus: Attention and memory over developmental time.
Gaia Scerif, University of Oxford
University of Oxford, July 2016

Executive control of (impulsive) action.
Frederick Verbruggen, University of Exeter
University of Reading, July 2017

Stability and change in developmental language disorders.
Courtenay Norbury, University College London
University of Leicester, April 2018

New and old ideas about the neural basis of semantic cognition.
Matthew Lambon Ralph, University of Cambridge
University College London, January 2019

Understanding the complexities of learning mathematics.
Camilla Gilmore, Loughborough University
EPS Online, July 2021

How can neurocognitive measures of development help us to tackle the consequences
of poverty?
Sarah Lloyd-Fox, University of Cambridge
EPS Online, January 2022

Visual processing and decision-making in autism and dyslexia: Insights from cross-syndrome approaches.
Catherine Manning, University of Reading
University College London, January 2023

Trait impressions in the eye of the beholder.
Clare Sutherland, University of Aberdeen
University of Plymouth, April 2023

Person perception from voices: How do we make sense of who we are talking to?
Nadine Lavan, Queen Mary University of London
Nottingham Trent University, April 2024

Daniel Yon Birkbeck, University of London
University College London, January 2025